Victoria WCS Collective Code of Conduct

Be respectful and polite

-       Assume that everyone is doing the best they can. Everyone is at a different place on their dance journey

Be clean and scent-free

-       Making an effort to have fresh hygiene and breath shows respect for your dance partner’s comfort (bring gum and deodorant). This includes alcohol or other breath odours that can be uncomfortable for others.

-       Please refrain from using scented products such as perfume or cologne, they can trigger allergic reactions

-       We encourage the use of gum or mints and unscented deodorants

Be mindful of others and respect personal boundaries

-       Personal boundaries are individual - respect them

-       If unsure, it is okay to ask someone if they are comfortable with a move or a situation

-       It is okay to say no or to let someone know that you are uncomfortable with a move, comment or situation

Do not use sexual language or sexual touch

-       These are not appropriate at our events, in classes, or during social dancing

It is okay to say ‘no’

-       We encourage you to dance with many different people, but everyone has the right to say ‘no’ to a dance

-       Say ‘no’ politely, with a smile

-       If you are told ‘no’, be gracious. You can ask them to dance later if you wish

Dance safely

-       Be aware of others and objects around you

-       If something hurts or you have an existing injury, tell your partner

Dancing intoxicated

-       Attending events in an intoxicated state is not welcome as it puts fellow dancers at risk and we are not insured for alcohol consumption on site

-       Consumption of alcohol on site is prohibited under our insurance

Do not give unsolicited feedback in class or on the dance floor

-       Let beginners be beginners - unsolicited tips and feedback can chip away at a person’s confidence and do more harm than good

Keep yourself and others healthy

-       Stay home if you are sick, have symptoms, or if you have recently been exposed to a known virus or are testing positive for COVID-19

-       Wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitizer and avoid touching your face

If you need help at any time

-       Find a member of the committee (Donna, Wally, or Kristen) in the event that you feel unsafe or need guidance.


This Code of Conduct is meant to ensure that the culture of our dance community is welcoming and safe. We hope you can respect these rules and, if you do not, you will be asked to leave the dance.  

Updated November 26, 2023.